I decided to put up this portrait I started in February because for the last two days I've painted with pretty much nothing but disastrous results. I never intended to post these pics before the portrait was finished because my friends whose daughter this is, (isn't she adorable? and she's the sweetest!) have no idea I'm painting her. You see, the photo I took of her was just too precious not to try to paint, but I didn't want to show them (or any of you for that matter) in case I failed miserably. But finding myself without anything to post, I decided to just bite the bullet and share this. So this is my work in progress. It's slow going (as you know, I jump from painting to painting A LOT.) And I definitely have to get back to this one. I think I'm getting a decent likeness, and am actually a little further along than these photos indicate, however I had stopped to ponder the "twinkle" and soul that I felt I wasn't capturing. I think I may have finally figured it out, so will start back at it shortly. I could still mess up terribly, but I know you'll all be kind if I do. :)
With regards to my last two days: I worked on two little daffodil paintings that I was hoping I could post as DPW auctions, but they're hideous. I may email my friend
Arena (who paints amazing florals) and ask her advice as to how to proceed . . . although I fear they are too far gone for any kind of saving. In the meantime -- I'm tired and am headed to bed. But I'll be back at it tomorrow -- hopefully with better results. I'm due, right? -- Have a good night!