Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Doggy Development

This is going to be a short post as I have lots of painting to do, but I took a little time out to photograph my progress on this latest commission as I thought you might like to see it. It really takes time to evolve.  The dog in the foreground started out like the one in the background: just vague blocking in. Incidentally, it's sometimes helpful to see the images photographed because often errors will reveal themselves more easily. I'm actually noticing things now that I hadn't seen in real life . . . some good, some that need fixing. 

Anyway -- I'm off to paint some more -- as you can see, I have lots of work to do!  Have a glorious and productive day and thanks for taking a peek.


  1. This is going really well. It is interesting to see the progression over time. I always paint the eyes early on because the person(ality) comes alive. I have noticed the way photography helps us see our work from a didferent perspective. Thanks for pointing it out, it's something to remember to use in the process of completing a painting.

  2. I love your new forays into these sweet dogs Kara. This is just beautiful! I love the depth you get in their fur. :)

    And I'm super bad at replying to emails and comments but I wanted you to know that I sure appreciated yours and I feel likewise about your work. :D

  3. Super gedaan ziet er schitterend uit lieve groetjes Danielle

  4. I don't envy you, all those details, but this is really up your alley, looking promising.

  5. The realism is incredible so far. A challenging piece to paint two dogs but you are a pro!

  6. I love the sweet sentiments showing in her eyes, and the beautiful depiction of fur -- on my goodness! Kara! I don't even know how to put them into words!

    I love it that you share these steps -- it helps me tremendously to see how you approach a subject like this and how you deal with aquabord -- please keep them coming! The more the better!


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