Ok . . . so sometimes we try, try and try some more, with less than desirable results and are forced to just abort the mission! :) Such is the case with "No Beggin'" -- so I am chalking it up as a "study." Ya, that's the ticket . . . a "study." The photo was kind of dark which was good, because the people then popped, but I just made a muddy mess of it. So I'm going to try this one again -- but this time I'm going to be careful with the background. I'll probably take some more photos because I like the story or theme of the painting, "no beggin'" but I hate the painting. And I just LOVE that kitchen. It deserves a much better rendering.
"Hydrangea II" - WIP
6" x 6" |
I just put on the second/third glazes on the redware mug this morning and it was delightful. So hopefully I'll have this one finished up later today.
Now onto some other news. If you haven't noticed, I changed my blog design a little. I've been listening to
"Artists Helping Artists" (if you don't know what I'm talking about and you're an artist, you MUST check it out - Leslie Saeta is wonderful -- as well as her original partner Dreama Tolle Perry. I'm looking forward to hearing more from other artists. Fellow bloggers
Carrie Waller and
Crystal Cook had a great interview a little while ago) and I'm very excited about all that I'm learning! So this is my first attempt at implementing some of the important advice they've shared regarding building a brand and marketing. The new banner, fresh look and tag line are my first steps toward creating a consistent message about who I am as an artist (unfortunately "Scatter-brained ADD Artist" isn't really an option). I've also worked on my website, tweaking it to reflect the same message. Hopefully I can stay more current with it, as I've let it slide since I started this blog. Aaah, so much to do, so little time -- but isn't it
fun and
exciting!? :) Anyway, click
here to check it out if you get the chance. -- Oops - at first I forgot the "c" and I typed "lick here" instead of "click here." Thank goodness I noticed, or else you'd all be licking your screens wondering why nothing was happening! You can thank me later. :)
So that's the news around here. Hope you are having a pleasant Monday.