"Cherry Tomatoes"
5" x 7"
starting bid: $50
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This is probably the worst surface I've ever painted on . . . and as I struggled through I kept thinking "why am I torturing myself? just stop!" But I kept going because apparently I like pain and so here it is. (and now that it's posted, I think I need to punch up the dark value in a couple areas within the tomato grouping) Anyway, the surface was Crescent cold-pressed watercolor board. It was the most unforgiving surface I've ever used. Perhaps you've used it and it worked for you . . . but for me, ugh! As I've mentioned on this blog before, I like to pull color out as I go and the watercolor board didn't allow this at all. In fact even scrubbing was a nightmare. Then the color started to bleed in places. Ugh! Nightmare. Needless to say, I'm going back to my wonderful Fabriano soft-pressed. Why oh why did I even stray in the first place?
And while I'm on this negativity kick . . . I just had TWO paintings rejected from the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts show. So now I have to schlep back down to Mystic CT to pick them up. Talk about a walk of shame! I've had to pick up one piece before, but not BOTH. (I'm a little bitter.) :) Incidentally, I've posted the two rejected paintings (which I've posted before as I finished them) below. I walked them in rather than applied online because I thought they were more dynamic in person -- especially the clementine -- it really loses a lot digitally. Apparently though, the judges didn't feel the same. Aaaahhhh . . . you just never know.
So that's my negative news. I'm going to go eat breakfast . . . take a shower and get to work on some more paintings. Sigh. :)
"Delicious Light"
11" x 14" |
"Oh My Darlin"
8" x 8" |