Sunday, September 15, 2013

30 Day Challenge - Painting #14

"Bovine Pride"
5" x 5"
watercolor on paper

I had a lovely day at my cousin's bridal shower, hence the late post.  I had to finish my painting when I got home, but then I started listening to music and googling other music and . . . well . . . you know how it goes.  

The colors in this image are pretty horrible -- it's night now, so the photograph stinks and I'm so tired I didn't do much color correcting.  But at least I have something to post for today.  Well . . . actually I guess it's already tomorrow.  Oh well.  Day #14 is done.

Thanks for coming by.


  1. I think it's brilliant! Wow! The colors are just great! Keep it up! :)

  2. Fantastic, Kara! Simply awesome!


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