Thursday, May 16, 2013

Marketing Your Art

Leslie Saeta is conducting another challenge for artists: "30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days." She's about half-way through and has some wonderful ideas. I think they're great for any business, so be sure to visit her blog. On one of the days, she suggests making a collage on Whether you're an artist or just someone who takes pictures, I think you should check out the site: it's pretty awesome. So have a lovely day and be sure to let me know if you made a collage -- I'd love to see them!


  1. Thanks so much Kara for posting about I'm about to celebrate the mid point of my 365 painting a day challenge. It occurred to me that a collage of sold paintings posted to my Facebook page would be a good way to celebrate. The website was terrific. Much easier to use than I expected. Thanks again!

  2. Pretty interesting post! Thanks it was interesting. fsdsolutions


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