work-in-progress - 22" x 30" - watercolor on aquabord |
Well hello there. I was thrown a couple curveballs over the past two weeks that explain my cyberspace absence. Two weeks ago today, my dad went into the hospital unexpectedly for a battery of tests that I'm happy to report came back negative. He is doing very well, and we are all extremely grateful for that. :)
work-in-progress - 8" x 8" - watercolor on aquabord |
On a lighter note but nonetheless distracting, last Monday I took a fabulous trip to
IKEA (with my dear friend, June) to look for some organizational supplies and other fun doodads. After 5 1/2 hours of shopping (yes . . . you read that correctly), I came back with many delightful
items including an adorable rolling cart for my palette and painting tools,
rolling storage for works-in-progress and other various flat files, and
some lovely window treatments to help eliminate the glare in my studio. Hence,
I spent all last week, putting together my IKEA furniture (I like to
call them legos for adults) . . . hemming & hanging curtains, sorting, carting, rearranging
and reorganizing furniture, files, artwork, supplies and books in my studio and basement. I still have lots more to do but feel that now I
am in fine form for creating!
work-in-progress - 11" x 14" - watercolor on aquabord |
Lastly . . . the images in this post are three paintings in their current state, that I am looking forward to finishing up this month. I've also been photographing, editing and preparing other new paintings, and developing classes and workshops. While I may have been inactive on the internet, I've certainly been very active in the studio and basement! Thanks for stopping by.