"Oliver - In His Boat"
10" x 8"
(watercolor on aquabord)
I hope you all are having wonderful holidays this season. We celebrated Christmas on Friday with family and had a great day. This painting is one of my gifts to my husband, Dan. It's of our kitty, Oliver, who passed away a few months ago. Oliver was Dan's since before he and I met. Dan got him when Ollie was about a year old and was 18 when we had to put him down. But he is buried outside my studio, beside a new arbor we put in over the summer, so he is nearby. Oliver slept in a red poodle bed that I called his "boat." Sometimes all I could see was his head sticking out.
He was a funny little guy. We miss him.
But let's not end this post on a sad note . . . I'm excited for the new year and am trying to organize and plan for lots of new goals in 2016. It's like a new, clean slate. I also have some paintings that I recently finished before the holidays, but haven't had time to post. So I will soon be sharing those with you.
Wishing you all a blessed and very Happy New Year!