Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Gift Wrap and Painting

"Springtime" gift wrap collection

Well hello!  I've been a little side-tracked lately as May is a busy month for us.  Anyway  . . .  I did a little tweaking to the size of my "Springtime" collection of gift wrap. (The gift above is about 7" x 7" just to give you an idea of the scale.)  Gift wrap, along with fabric and wallpaper can be purchased through my Spoonflower store.

A new little painting I'm working on is "Nantucket Window" below.  It's still a work in progress, but almost done.  Have a lovely day!

"Nantucket Window" - work in progress
6" x 9"
watercolor on paper


  1. Corner windows are special - Love the way you painted this one. It is beautifully designed and the colors are lovely.Are the blue flowers hydrangeas?

  2. Great post! Love your gift wrap AND you painting! You are so creative Kara!


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