"New Braintree Sap"
16" x 12"
watercolor on clayboard |
I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted. Good grief! As you well know, my consistency with blogging isn't always the best. Marketing and social media maintenance is my Achilles heel with regards to my art business. For me, the painting is the most comfortable part. While I enjoy posting, keeping up with it and "marketing" is tough for me. I have to really work at efficiently scheduling my time and when life gets in the way, it's the first thing that suffers. Just know that I will forever be working at this because I guess it's "just how I roll." Ha!
That being said, even though some of my priorities have been shifted the past few weeks, I managed to finish a couple paintings and enter some shows. I'm also working on a solo exhibit that I'll be having this summer. I'll let you know more about that soon.
So . . . for now I'm sharing with you my new painting, "New Braintree Sap" and I'm excited to say that it's already found a "forever home." I'm so lucky to have such wonderful collectors.
Have a great start to your week!